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美国婚姻法里对离婚时财产分配有公平分配和平等分配两种做法。佛罗里达州关于离婚的法律是公平分配式(equitable distribution),规定离婚时双方对婚姻的财产和债务是公平分配的,而不是像某些州(比如加州,亚利桑那州)是50/50 平均分配的。一般来说,继承的财产不认为是婚姻共同财产,而是继承者的个人独自财产。但是,如果用婚姻共同的资产来维护该继承的财产,比如说用婚姻共同财产的银行账户里的资金来支付继承房产A的银行按揭费用和其它维护此房产A产生的费用,那婚姻财产和个人财产的界限就模糊了,法庭有可能判决此房产A是婚姻共同财产。






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Protecting Inherited Property from Claims of Spouse

Ms. Zhang and Mr. Li are married. Ms. Zhang’s parent’s die and leave their property to Ms. Zhang. Ms. Zhang and Mr. Li soon get a divorce. Does Ms. Zhang have to share her family’s property with Mr. Li?

Florida, along with most states, is an equitable distribution state for divorces whereby marital property and debts are divided equitably in the divorce proceedings, rather than equally as is typical in community property states, such as Arizona or California. Typically, inherited property is not considered marital property, rather it is normally treated as separate property belonging to the person who received the inheritance. However, if marital assets are used to maintain the inherited property, such as using funds from a joint account to pay the mortgage or maintenance of the inherited property, then the lines between marital and separate property become blurred and the court may determine the inherited property is martial property.

There are several ways to protect the property from Mr. Li’s claims.

Ms. Zhang could keep a separate bank account from Mr. Li, using only Ms. Zhang’s funds to maintain the property. Further, the property should only be kept in Ms. Zhang’s name.

Ms. Zhang and Mr. Li could enter into a nuptial agreement to identify and deal with the division of assets and liabilities in the event of a divorce. There are different requirements for a valid nuptial agreement to be effective in Florida, depending in part whether the agreement is made before or after the couple is married.

Ms. Zhang could show evidence that the property was solely hers. This may be done by Will, Trust, court documents, or otherwise that showed she alone inherited the property.

Ms. Zhang’s parents could have kept the property in trust for the sole benefit of Ms. Zhang. Ms. Zhang would have the benefit of the property, without having to sharing it with anyone else, including creditors of Ms. Zhang.




金美声移民律师事物所 | (407)901-3535 | 6735 Conroy Road, Suite 301, Orlando FL 32835

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