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Business Invoice



Business Invoice



Why Have Your Business Documents Reviewed and Updated?

We had a business see us about some issues with its clients not paying it in a timely manner. It appeared the business did the work and shipped the goods to its clients, but would have to wait months for payment. We offered it several suggestions, including accepting payment up-front, but was told that it was not the custom from where it came from to receive payment first, but only after the work was done.

We then reviewed its contracts and correspondences and recommended making certain changes to them. One thing that was changed were how their invoices were drafted. Invoices are often the first and sometimes the last document that goes to the client, but can also be used as an important document to protect businesses.

Apart from the mandatory things such as client name and item details, an invoice should contain various other important elements. It may contain clauses for consequences for non-payment such as late fees, interest, and attorney fees; warranty terms; conditions for replacement and returns; and applicable law that governs – items that may not have been properly or fully addressed in the original contract for the sale of the goods and services provided.

By adding clauses to the business’s documents to give incentives to their clients to make payments quickly and to protect the business from losses should something go wrong (we did have to explain that while we could bring suit against a few of their non-performing clients, it may not be able to be reimbursed its attorney fees because of how their contracts were drafted), we were able to have the business receive timely payments without the need for threats of litigation.




金美声移民律师事物所 | (407)901-3535 | 6735 Conroy Road, Suite 301, Orlando FL 32835

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